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Zimbabwe Tours & Safaris

A Dream World in Real Life
Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Historical Background and Economic Overview

Wildlife, adventures and stunning landscapes, the best that Zimbabwe has to offer you is right there, all at one place, all strung in the single heartbeat of nature. Great Zimbabwe stands as a towering testament to the rich history of the country that bears its name, Zimbabwe. These silent ruins, once the epicentre of a vast empire built on trade with the east coast of Africa, bear witness to the land's extraordinary past. Originally inhabited by the Khoisan people, who left behind scattered rock art across the region, Zimbabwe's history is a tapestry of migrations and transformations.

In the 9th century, migrating farmers from West Africa, who would become the ancestors of the present-day Shona tribe and the architects of Great Zimbabwe, settled in the area. Later, during the 19th century, turmoil in South Africa’s Zulu kingdom prompted the Ndebele people to escape from Zululand and establish their home in western Zimbabwe. This was followed by British colonial rule, and for most of the 20th century, the country was known as Rhodesia. The subsequent liberation struggle was a prolonged and challenging one, culminating in Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980.

Zimbabwe is blessed with solid infrastructure, a well-educated population, and abundant natural resources. Its prosperity has been forged through agriculture, particularly the cultivation of tobacco, as well as the export of minerals and the growth of tourism. Notably, Zimbabwe is home to some of the world’s largest platinum and diamond mines.

Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe People, Culture and Belief

Zimbabwe, home to around 12 million people, comprises a population where about 70% are Shona speakers, while approximately 20% communicate in Ndebele. English, the official language, is widely spoken, and visitors to Zimbabwe often marvel at the warmth and optimism of its people, despite recent challenges. The country carries a profound sense of religiosity, with nearly two-thirds of the population regularly attending church, and about 85% identifying as Christian. Zimbabwe is a nation deeply steeped in culture, giving rise to internationally acclaimed artists, musicians, and writers. However, it is the country's sculptors that have gained the most recognition. Zimbabwe is renowned for its sculptures, with stylized birds and human figures expertly carved from materials like soapstone, serpentine, and verdite being among the most celebrated.

Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Landscape and Wildlife

While Zimbabwe's eastern border with Mozambique is characterised by mountains and dense forests, the majority of the country rests on the elevated central plateau of Southern Africa. This plateau is characterised by rolling savannah, agricultural land, and expansive open woodlands. A significant portion of the nation lies in the lower, warmer, and more humid southern lowveld. The northern regions of Zimbabwe are defined by the Zambezi River and Lake Kariba, with the famous Victoria Falls situated in its northwestern corner. The diverse array of habitats across Zimbabwe has given rise to a rich biodiversity, and the country boasts a strong tradition of wildlife conservation.

Hwange National Park stands as the flagship reserve, home to the renowned Big 5 and some of Africa’s largest elephant populations. Meanwhile, Mana Pools and Matusadona National Parks offer exceptional opportunities for game viewing on the banks of the Zambezi River.

Notable wildlife experiences in Zimbabwe include bird watching and game viewing along the Zambezi River at Victoria Falls, abundant predators and outstanding dry-season game viewing in Hwange, Zambezi canoe and walking safaris in Mana Pools, and game viewing and birding in the less-visited southern regions at places like Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve and Gonarezhou National Park.

Zimbabwe's Capital City


Zimbabwe's Population

16 million

Zimbabwe's Currency

US Dollars

Zimbabwe's Language

Shona, Ndebele, and English

Zimbabwe's Calling Code


Victoria Falls, with all its grandeur, may have brought Zimbabwe international acclaim, but this country is far more than an iconic waterfall. Zimbabwe stands as one of Southern Africa’s most rewarding destinations for big game safaris. It offers off-the-beaten-track adventures in hidden gems, classic safari experiences in abundant wildlife areas, and a plethora of thrilling activities in Africa’s adventure hub.

Zimbabwe is an authentic, rugged destination, ideally suited for travellers returning to Africa, seeking an experience away from the well-trodden paths. Beyond its superb game viewing, guided by some of the industry’s most respected experts, a trip to Zimbabwe unveils classic tented camps offering comfort without extravagance, wholesome cuisine, and some of the warmest welcomes worldwide.

Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Adventure Activities in Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is a spectacle like no other. At its full, thundering peak, the 'Smoke that Thunders' is one of Africa's most mesmerising sights, leaving visitors exhilarated and lightly soaked. Positioned on the mighty Zambezi River, you can witness this wonder from either Zambia or Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean side offers arguably the most breathtaking on-foot views and is famously referred to by explorer David Livingstone as a sight fit for angels.


  • Take in breathtaking, up-close views of the main waterfall.
  • Embark on thrilling adventures such as white-water rafting, ziplining, bungee jumping, gorge swinging, and microlight flights.
  • Enjoy good water flow for most of the year.
  • Stay at luxury hotels and lodges within walking distance of the falls.
  • Explore the vibrant markets and restaurants in Victoria Falls Town.
Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Incredible Wildlife Sightings

Victoria Falls is just the beginning of Zimbabwe's natural beauty. The country is home to 11 expansive national parks, all of which exude unspoiled wonder. Several of these national parks boast some of Africa's most abundant wildlife populations. Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe's flagship reserve, is home to an array of iconic African mammals. The Zambezi River region teems with hippos, crocodiles, and other wildlife, enriching the safari experience in places like Mana Pools National Park.


  • Enjoy guided safari walks in Hwange National Park.
  • Experience thrilling game drives in Zimbabwe’s wildlife-rich regions.
  • Track white rhinos on foot in Hwange.
  • Indulge in boating safaris and sunset cruises on Lake Kariba.
  • Spot rare African wild dogs in Mana Pools National Park.
  • Participate in walking excursions and night game drives in Hwange.
Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Off-the-Beaten-Path Safaris in Zimbabwe's Hidden Gems

Zimbabwe's lesser-known destinations offer unique and rewarding experiences, well worth the effort to reach. Locations like Matusadona National Park, Gonarezhou National Park, Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve, and Matobo National Park provide authentic, adventurous, and diverse safari experiences.


  • Embark on incredible safari adventures in less-visited regions.
  • Encounter reliable Big 5 sightings in Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve.
  • Join rhino tracking, walking safaris, and horse trail experiences in Matobo.
  • Explore the rich Khoi rock art and ancient Stone Age settlements in Matobo National Park.
Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Exceptional Luxury Safari Lodges

Zimbabwe's lodges, hotels, and camps are as splendid as the magnificent safari destinations they inhabit. Accommodations cater to diverse traveller preferences, from those seeking an authentic bush experience to those desiring luxurious comforts.


  • Find spectacular lodges offering modern-day luxury and comfort.
  • Enjoy classic hotels offering a blend of tradition and contemporary delights.
  • Experience authentic, under-canvas tented camps providing creature comforts.
  • Stay in accommodations with fantastic views of wildlife-rich regions.
  • Savour fresh, gourmet dining and world-class facilities with superb service.
Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Convenient Travel Logistics

Zimbabwe's strategic location in Southern Africa, along with dependable flight connections, ensures seamless travel logistics. The country can easily be combined with other iconic safari destinations, including South Africa's Kruger National Park and Botswana's Okavango Delta. Plus, you're just a hop away from experiencing a walking safari in South Luangwa National Park in neighbouring Zambia.


  • Seamlessly combine multiple African destinations with Zimbabwe.
  • Explore popular travel destinations, such as Kruger National Park, Cape Town, and the Okavango Delta.
  • Conclude your safari with a seaside escape, whether in Cape Town or the tropical islands of Mozambique, Mauritius, Madagascar, or Seychelles.

Zimbabwe, bordered by Mozambique, Botswana, Zambia, and South Africa, stands as a prime destination for those in search of a genuine and immersive African travel experience. The country offers a wealth of options for travellers, from its expansive conservation areas like the vast Hwange National Park to the serene lake-and-river destinations of Matusadona and Mana Pools. These Zimbabwean destinations provide exceptional game viewing and showcase spectacular topography, often without the crowds. And, of course, there’s the awe-inspiring wonder of Victoria Falls.

Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls: Adventure Activities, Safaris & Iconic Scenery

For an unforgettable experience, plan your visit to Victoria Falls during its peak flow. This natural wonder features immense falls, a towering column, and breathtaking surrounding scenery, making it a truly magical travel destination in Zimbabwe. The town of Victoria Falls, known as Africa's 'adventure capital,' offers a wide range of activities, including scenic flights, bungee jumping, white-water rafting, game viewing, and Zambezi River cruises. Visitors can also explore local markets and traditional villages.

Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Hwange National Park: Classic Game Viewing & Bird Watching

Hwange is renowned as Zimbabwe's most famous big game reserve, home to a thriving wildlife population. This park offers a haven for those seeking an unforgettable safari experience. Located just a few hours' drive from Victoria Falls, the various immersive camps in Hwange provide an excellent base for game viewing. Hwange National Park is particularly known for its dense concentration of elephants, second only to Botswana's Chobe National Park, and is an ideal destination for witnessing Africa's big predators.

Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Mana Pools National Park: Beautiful Wilderness Area & Canoe Safaris

Located along the Zambezi River, remote and less-visited Mana Pools boasts wild and pristine landscapes, hosting large herds of elephants, rare antelope, and abundant plains game. The rivers teem with hippos, crocodiles, tigerfish, and bream. Numerous lodges in Mana Pools offer comfortable accommodations. This area is best explored through game drives, guided walks, and thrilling canoe expeditions, providing an off-the-beaten-track safari experience and the opportunity to witness Zimbabwe's top-tier big game viewing.

Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Matusadona National Park & Lake Kariba: Lakeside Living, Big Game & Fishing

Lake Kariba's picturesque setting and serene ambiance are as famous as its remarkable wildlife. Flanked by conservation areas, the lake attracts a diverse range of animals, from hippos splashing in the shallows to elephants and antelope grazing at the water's edge. African fish eagles can be spotted perching on dead tree branches. The adjoining Matusadona National Park offers activities such as game drives, guided walks, boat safaris, and tiger fishing, along with awe-inspiring Kariba sunsets.

Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Gonarezhou National Park & Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve: Pure Big 5 Wilderness, Phenomenal Diversity & Scenery

Zimbabwe's crowd-free south is home to the Big 5, with rugged Gonarezhou National Park leaving a lasting impression. The exclusive experience of Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve, a private reserve bordering the park, offers stunning scenery and a wealth of wildlife. Visitors can expect sightings of rhinos, elephants, buffalos, big cats, wild dogs, and a remarkable array of birdlife. Malilangwe has recorded an impressive 400 bird species and is home to one of the world's greatest concentrations of raptors, including 14 species of eagles.

Zimbabwe Victoria Falls, Dollar in Zimbabwe

Zambezi National Park: Game Drives & River Cruises, Close to Victoria Falls

Located upstream of Victoria Falls, Zambezi National Park extends along the broad, smooth-flowing Zambezi River. Drawing fewer visitors than neighbouring Chobe National Park in Botswana, this relatively unknown reserve offers fantastic dry-season game viewing without the crowds. Expect to encounter large numbers of elephants, buffalos, hippos, and giraffes, with a chance of spotting lions, leopards, and wild dogs. The park is a haven for birdlife along the river, and a river safari is highly recommended. If you're staying in Victoria Falls, a day game drive in Zambezi National Park offers a convenient taste of Zimbabwe's diverse wildlife.

Zimbabwe offers its most favourable conditions for a visit during the dry winter season, which spans from May to October. This period features mild temperatures, minimal rainfall, and a low risk of malaria. However, it’s essential to note that September and October can be exceedingly hot and dry.

For those seeking the most awe-inspiring experience at Victoria Falls, the ideal time to travel is at the conclusion of the summer rainy season. This is when the Falls are at their most magnificent, with full flood conditions, and the most dramatic viewings occur. The prime window for these spectacular views typically falls between April and May.

January ushers in the rainy season, making wildlife harder to spot in the lush vegetation. However, it’s an opportune time for budget-conscious travellers due to lower rates and fewer crowds, but do note that Victoria Falls experiences low-water conditions.

In February, rainfall continues, and the Zambezi River swells, causing Victoria Falls to be at its peak flow. While the spray may obscure views of this majestic landmark, consider taking a helicopter or microlight flight for a better perspective.

March brings warm, humid weather with occasional afternoon thunderstorms. These are typically brief, lasting a few hours. Water levels are optimal for viewing Victoria Falls, including the surrounding gorges and the iconic spray rainbows.

April sees fewer rain showers and a gradual cooling of temperatures, resulting in lush greenery across game parks. The weather can be unpredictable, so pack layers and waterproof clothing.

May is considered the peak season in Zimbabwe. Victoria Falls still boasts high water levels, and it’s an excellent time for safaris. Be sure to book well in advance for this popular month.

June is an excellent time for safaris, as the dry season offers spectacular game viewing. Wildlife congregates around lakes, rivers, and man-made waterholes. It’s ideal for rhino tracking at Matobo Hills and witnessing giant elephant herds in Hwange National Park.

In July, the nights become colder as winter sets in. Prepare for chilly temperatures during early morning game drives. Wildlife viewing remains excellent, and it’s an ideal time for a canoe safari.

August features bright, clear days with minimal cloud cover, perfect for wildlife sightings. This is one of the best months for a Zimbabwe safari. It’s also the start of low-water season at Victoria Falls, making it a great time for white-water rafting.

In September, Hwange National Park conducts its annual game count, providing a unique opportunity to observe and assist local rangers in tallying animals passing through the park.

October brings warmer days, making it the hottest month. The dry season is ending, but wildlife sightings are still favourable, particularly for observing elephants gathering at watering holes.

November’s climate is unpredictable. It’s spring, and the weather may range from dry and hot if the rains arrive late to very wet if they arrive on time. This period is excellent for birdwatching, as migratory birds arrive with the rain. Expert guides at safari lodges can introduce visitors to the diverse bird species.

December experiences summer rain, resulting in lush landscapes and ideal conditions for birdwatching. Victoria Falls is not recommended during this period, as the water flow is significantly reduced. However, it’s an excellent time for a quieter and more intimate safari experience due to fewer crowds in lodges and game parks.

Zimbabwe Travel Advice

Soak in the beauty of a wonderful experience, while on vacation with Reimagining Travels that ensures your relaxation is on priority.

Currency: US Dollar (after the collapse of Zimbabwe Dollar)
Transaction: Cash is king in Zimbabwe: make sure you can cover your costs during your visit as withdrawing cash from an ATM or bank is not something you can rely on. Travellers’ cheques and credit/debit cards are not widely accepted and often incur hefty fees.

Recommended: Bring small denomination notes – small change is rarely available in Zimbabwe – and note that although tipping lodge staff and guides is customary for good service, make sure that a service charge hasn’t been added onto your bill beforehand.

Average Summer Temperature: 17 – 31 °C
Average Winter Temperature: 7 – 29 °C
Rainy Season: November to April

Regular/Everyday: In Zimbabwe, dressing comfortably in casual attire is appropriate year-round. When preparing for your Zimbabwe safari, pack lightweight, neutral-coloured clothing (avoid white, as it easily gets dirty). Don’t forget to include a warm jacket or fleece for evening game drives and a comfortable pair of walking shoes. For more guidance on safari packing, consult our Africa Safari Guide’s travel advice section.

Did you know that you can book your flights through Reimagining Travel? For further information and answers to frequently asked questions, please contact one of our Travel Experts.

International Airports
Harare International Airport:
This airport is commonly used as a gateway to Victoria Falls. The most convenient way to reach Harare is through Johannesburg since there are limited direct international flights to the country.

Victoria Falls International Airport: Serving Victoria Falls, Hwange, and destinations in the Zambezi Valley, this airport functions as a local logistics hub. It offers easy connections to Botswana and other distant destinations.

Others: Road transfers in Zimbabwe are typically conducted using mini-buses, while game drives are carried out in open-sided 4X4 vehicles. Light aircraft charters are available for flights to more remote destinations.

Visas are a requirement for most visitors to Zimbabwe and are typically obtainable at your point of entry. Travellers from the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, most EU countries, Israel, Japan, and various other nations can acquire their visas at the airport or border post by paying the necessary fees. However, some nationalities must apply for and secure a Zimbabwe visa in advance of their travel.

Customize your Zimbabwe trip

Step 1 of 3

What's your preferred travel style in Zimbabwe?

When do you want to travel to Zimbabwe?

Desired Trip Length to Zimbabwe

No. of days: 7

Who will be traveling to Zimbabwe?

Adults above 12
Children age 2-12
Infants under 2

What is your preferred accommodation type in Zimbabwe?

Please keep in mind that this category is usually defined by local standards.
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