
Reimagining Travel

Established in 2023, Reimagining Travel is redefining the travel experience: by being on a mission to make travel more sustainable, innovative, and inclusive.

Our journey began 15 years ago with a vision of change, and now we’re officially here to rewrite the rules of exploration, for our purpose is clear: lead the travel industry towards sustainability, enhance the travel experience through technology and innovation, and promote responsible, ethical, and inclusive tourism.

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  /  Reimagining Travel   /  The Best Time To Visit Botswana
Botswana safari

The Best Time To Visit Botswana


There are a lot of things you can do in Botswana. It is a year-round destination but if you have specific boxes to tick, then you may want to pick a particular period for visiting this wonderland. Some of the places that you can experience in this country are the Kalahari Desert, the Okavango Delta, and the Makgadikadi among others. Be it lions, African Wild Dogs, the world-renowned Great Migration, or treading the waters on a mokoro, Botswana can be the place to make all these dreams and more a reality. The desert can be hot and dusty in the dry season so make sure to carry supplies to protect you from the heat.

Botswana Peak Season:

The high season for visiting the country is from June to October is ideal for spotting wildlife. You will see campsites galore if you turn up in June or July. Keep in mind that the weather will be dry during this time. The dry season runs from April to October when the days are warm and the nights cool. The coolest months are from June to August when the temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. However, they can drop to below freezing at night. If you plan to gaze at the stars in Makgadikgadi Pan, you can do with some warm clothes to keep the chill at bay. 

July and August are the time when the Okavango Delta floods and when the dry season is at its peak, you will find animals converging to the flooded banks and at the permanent water resources. These resources are the Chobe and the Kwando River. It becomes easier in the rainy season to navigate the roads and tracks. If you are considering a family vacation in Botswana, this would be a good time for that. If you’re lucky, you can spot birds like yellow-billed kites and carmine-bee eaters in the peak season.

Fishing Season In September And October:

Heat starts to build in September in Botswana and is at its peak in October. The temperature can reach about 40 degrees Celsius during this time. 

After the winter floods are over in the Okavango Delta, the water level starts to drop. This is the time of the barbel run. They are in a frenzy and catch small baitfish. The fish, including the barbel, is chased by just as hungry birds. The timing for the floods usually varies but usually, it is between between September and October.

Botswana Day is on September 30 and on this day, citizens celebrate the advancements their country has made since gaining independence from Britain in 1966. You can expect street parties and parades on this precious day.

Shoulder Season For Visiting Botswana:

These are the months that are a transition between the dry and the wet seasons. This is the time when accommodation rates are reduced to half so that you and budget travelers can have the experience of a lifetime. If you think you will miss out on wildlife then you have nothing to worry about. The shoulder season in Botswana lasts from April to May. November can also be considered a second shoulder season. You may find that you are among only a few groups of people out for spotting game.

Low Season In Botswana:

The low season is also called the green season in Botswana. This is the season where you will experience high summer and heavy showers, with the wettest months usually being January and February. Prices will come down during the shoulder season, they will come down even further in the low season from December to March. And there will also be fewer travelers compared to the high and shoulder seasons. However, you will find some lodges to be completely shut down and roads becoming a handful to cross. The campsites can also get muddy.

This is the time when you will find a lot of vegetation. That, and water make it easier for animals to hunt, and make it difficult for us to spot them. This implies that there would be a lot of greenery and the weather would also be cool and comfortable for people to explore.

Thanks to the rainfall the arid land of the Kalahari comes alive with vegetation that helps to bring zebras to the Nxai National Park. You cannot miss the annual zebra migration and with the many herbivores around, you are bound to see their meat-eating counterparts engaging in hunts.

The Many Festivals Of Botswana:

We’ve already covered the Botswana Day but that is not the only festival this country is popular for. There are many others such as:


Maun International Arts Festival

This is an event where artists showcase their prowess in their craft. The highlights of the Maun International Arts Festival are the plethora of performances and exhibitions that include traditional and contemporary music, dance, theater, and other art forms. Both local and international artists headline this gala event to show us how far creativity and collaboration can go. The festival is usually held in April and if you are an art enthusiast, you cannot miss this.


Dithubaruba Cultural Festival

This cultural event celebrates the Setswana culture and traditions and features many activities such as music concerts, arts and crafts exhibitions, storytelling sessions, and much more. It is held in the city of Gaborone and it aims to promote the cultural heritage and unity among the many communities that exist in the country. It is usually held in October.


Kuru Dance Festival

This dance festival, which is usually held in August, is a celebration of the rich cultural heritage of not only Botswana but also its neighbouring countries through traditional music and dancing performances The festival is held in the remote village of D’kar and brings together the ethnic groups. The music and dance performances are vibrant with colourful costumes and the goal is to encourage appreciation for the diverse cultures.


President’s Day

President’s Day is held on the third Monday of July and is a national holiday that celebrates the country’s presidents and how they have helped in the country’s advancement. There are flag-hoisting ceremonies, cultural and community events, parades, and much more to remember the country’s history and values.


Maitisong Festival

This is one of Botswana’s most important performing arts events and its highlights include local and international talents in music, visual arts, theater, and dance. Typically held in either March or April, the performances take place in a range of venues across the capital of Gaborone including outdoor stages, and theaters.


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